Worship Last Sunday Pastor Harvey Davis delivered the message last Sunday. (We're working on getting him on with video so everyone will be able to see him.) In case you missed it, it was very powerful. The video recording can be found on Holy Trinity's Facebook page. After worship, we were blessed to have a presentation by Marilyn Schneider. We'll be sending the slides and info from that soon by the end of the week. Outside Worship this Sunday This Sunday at 9:00 a.m., we'll be meeting for a very brief prayer and Communion service (15-20 minutes) in the backyard of the Annex. Masks (other than for ingesting the bread and wine) and social distancing are required for the duration of the service. A few chairs will be provided, but be sure to bring your own if you need one. If you plan to come, you must RSVP to Dale or Pastor Dan, since the service will have a maximum of 25 people. At 10:15, we will have Zoom worship as usual. Netflix Episode Featuring the Rev. Noah Hepler of Fishtown, Philly As part of our "Reconciling in Christ" discernment, we're encouraging anyone who has access to Netflix to watch an episode of the show Queer Eye: Season 5, Episode 1, "Preaching out Loud." This episode centers around the Rev. Noah Hepler, Pastor of Atonement Lutheran in the Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia. It highlights the difficulties he has had to reconcile his identities as a pastor and a gay man, and brings out some of the many reasons it is so important for communities of faith to be inclusive of LGBTQ folks. We'll be meeting on our Zoom room tonight at 8:00 p.m. for a brief discussion of the episode. If you are able to watch the episode at around 7:00 today so it's fresh on your mind, great! Giving Garden
Remember to join us for cultivating and harvesting Wednesday mornings at 8am. Bring your hand tools and wear a mask.
Thank you for your donations to Grace's Food Bank!
Thank you so much for all of your generosity and kindness. The need for canned proteins continues, so if you are able feel free to continue dropping off donations or sending in a check with "Grace Lutheran" written on the memo line. Holy Trinity continues to be a congregation that makes a difference!
If you are able to, please continue to be generous to Holy Trinity financially. You can contribute online at this website. Click on the button that says "online giving click here." OR you can continue to send in your donation with offering envelopes via the mail. Thank you in advance for your continued generosity!
Connection & Helplines
Please remember, even if we are not physically in the church office, we are still checking voicemails and emails daily. If you need anything, just leave us a message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. We know these are trying times and would like you all to know we are here. If you or your family are having financial troubles, please let us know; we may be able to provide a small amount of support. If you or someone you know may need help beyond what the church is capable of, below are a number of services available. Stay well!
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990
Pennsylvania Crisis TextLine: Text PA to 741-741
Senior Care Line: 484-580-1234mlhseniors@mlhs.org
Central Behavioral Healthsupport Line: 610-999-0126
Delaware Valley Community Health in Norristown
They are a private, non-profit organization which delivers community based, culturally competent, primary medical, dental and behavioral health care services to patients whether or not they have medical insurance.